My Latest Tattoo
Yes, lovely me, just woke up, and decided to take a picture.... hehe all well the tattoo looks hot, so yeah hehe lol.~*Gina~*
Deviant ID - Tattoo
My finished Tattoo! With some lyrics! Enjoy!!!!!!!!! *points* that's me! *points more* WEEEE!Song by Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula - Good Luck
nothing special just trying to do pin-up shots the first from the series, pin-up ID You'll see more pictures from this serie Hope you'll like it and I have new tattoo [I'm really happy about...
ok...I've found it. A year or more of searching for the perfect tattoo for me...and I've found it. It is my birth date... and that little thing under it is a phone doodle. A reporter once asked...
i love my tattoooo
me at beer city ... showing off my tattoo to who toke this picture as well ... he's doing a good job with every picture he takes of me ... i'm holding my heavy baby as well so it was really hard...