More than 5,000 Australians strip on the steps of the Sydney Opera House in the name of art
By Mail Foreign Service

Titled Mardi Gras: The Base, the installation had been commissioned by the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, which took place over the weekend

More than 5,000 people turned up at the Sydney Opera House today to get naked in the name of art.

Braving an early morning chill they shed their clothes, abandoned any embarrassment, and posed naked for renowned American nudist photographer Spencer Tunick.

People came in all shapes and sizes and one heavily pregnant woman even postponed the birth of her twins so she could take part.

As the sun rose over the harbour, Mr Tunick instructed his subjects to adopt a number of poses, from standing, lying, and even embracing cheek to cheek

Titled Mardi Gras: The Base, the installation had been commissioned by the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, which took place over the weekend.

Mr Tunick, 43, who has taken nude crowd pictures all around the world, said the project was about sending a positive message that no one should shun other people.

'Gay men and women lay naked next to their straight neighbours and this delivered a very strong message to the world that Australians embrace a free and equal society,' he said.

The organisers had only expected about half the number of people to turn up.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is visible in the background as the thousands of Australians parade naked along the seafront

More than 5,000 people turned up at the Sydney Opera House today to get naked for a project by American nudist photographer Spencer Tunick

Mr Tunick, 43, who has taken nude crowd pictures all around the world, said the project was about sending a positive message that no one should shun other people

'We thought we'd get a couple of thousand people turning up - but to get 5,200 is just amazing,' said one of Mr Tunick's assistants.

As the sun rose over the harbour, Mr Tunick instructed his subjects to adopt a number of poses, from standing, lying, and even embracing cheek to cheek.

'I want all couples to embrace and kiss, all friends to kiss and all strangers to, well, do whatever they want,' said the photographer.

Anna Bruce, 28, who signed up for the photo shoot with a friend, described the event as a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity.

People came in all shapes and sizes and one heavily pregnant woman even postponed the birth of her twins so she could take part

A wide-angle lens shot of the 'installation'

'It was easier than I expected. It was really normal - there was no problem in getting our kit off. I'd say the hardest part was the embracing poses.'

Mr Tunick maintains his work is not about exhibitionism or eroticism but instead he reveals the vulnerability of life in a rough city landscape

Student Art Rush admitted that he was expecting old people and nudists to turn up 'but everyone arrived from all over the place.

'It's a great adrenalin rush and I'll never get a chance to do anything like this again. It's not worth being inhibited.

'It doesn't feel sexual - more like a feeling of being tribal, a gathering of humanity.'

The artist said today’s installation 'went well'.

'I’m just so lucky to be able to work with so many naked gay, straight and transgender people,' he said.

This is Mr Tunick's first installation in Australia following projects in the U.S., Brazil, France, England, Spain, Switzerland, Holland and Austria.

The artist has been documenting the nude figure in public through photography and video since 1992.

His largest work to date involved 18,000 people posing in Mexico City in 2007.

He has said the title of the work refers to the sameness of individuals, regardless of their sexual preferences.

Mr Tunick maintains his work is not about exhibitionism or eroticism but instead he reveals the vulnerability of life in a rough city landscape.

However sometimes authorities have disagreed, particularly in the U.S., where Tunick has been arrested seven times.