Natalie Portman pictures by steven ballard

Natalie Portman did ’85 per cent’ of Black Swan routines

Natalie Portman did 85 per cent of Black Swan routines entertainment

Natalie Portman did “85 per cent” of the dancing on ‘Black Swan’.

Natalie’s fiance Benjamin Millepied – with who she is expecting her first child later this year – revealed he was impressed with the actress’ dance skills when he choreographed the ballet movie and is annoyed when people claim she used a double for most of the film.

He said: “It was so believable, it was fantastic, that beautiful movement quality. There are articles now talking about her dance double American Ballet Theatre dancer Sarah Lane that are making it sound like Lane did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettes, and one diagonal phrase in the studio. Honestly, 85 per cent of that movie is Natalie.”

Benjamin added Natalie – who won a Best Actress Oscar for the performance earlier this year – was not faultless and his choreography was key to allowing her to look like a ballet star.

Asked how it was possible to feature long unbroken shots of Natalie’s dancing, he explained: “By making things fluid and not too complicated. By getting more movement going, which in turn added to the camera movement – that is basically what I did. If we had kept things more classical, more restrained, less fluid, it would have been harder to trick the eye.”

However, although he says working with his fiancee was a “phenomenal” experience, Benjamin revealed he has no plans to work with her again.

He told the Los Angeles Times: “I mean I think this was a phenomenal, unforgettable experience. But there are no plans to collaborate again in the future.”