endofvid[starttext]30th October 2010Miss World 2010 is UNITED STATES2nd Botswana3rd Venezuela21.45 Diamond dresses dance!!!!21.43 Kaiane on stage in a stunning white Galliano dress...21.42 Kaiane is due on stage any moment now!!!!21.39 Shane Ward is performing.. 21.38 Angela Chow is introducing Beauty with a Purpose and the work that Julia Morley has done around the world for the underpriviliged....21.35 Back stage the cameras are speaking to the Top 5's room mates!!!Top 5 - Venezuela, Botswana, United States, Ireland and China PR21.34 Final TOP 5 place....China!!! (Big Cheer!!)21.32 Next to speak is United States, she says the last month as made a big impact on her life and would be a great honour to win.....Ireland speaks next starting in Chinese!!!21. 30 Venezuela is first under the spotlight.....She describes herself and gets loud cheers ....next up (in no particular order) Botswana...21.28 The top 7 are on stage....Ann Sidney is being interviewed...21.23 And it is the contestants hot spot moments.....30 seconds to talk about themselves....21.19ITALYNORWAYUNITED STATESBOTSWANA21.14 Top 7:IRELANDVENEZUELACHINA PRThe rest to be announced after the break!!!!21.11 Top 7 to be announced after the break....expect tears of happiness and tears of dissapointment..21.06 Angela has a costume change and is now wearing a white dress. Dave Koz has just taken to the stage...20.56 And the Top 20 who will join the 5 fast track winners are:PARAGUAYST LUCIANETHERLANDSCANADAFRANCEBAHAMASCOLOMBIARUSSIATHAILANDSOUTH AFRICAMONGOLIAFRENCH POLYNESIASCOTLANDVENEZUELANAMIBIAITALYUNITED STATESGERMANYCHINA PRBOTSWANA20.48 Carlos Aponte is performing 'Time to say goodbye'....20.41 The audience are watching the Ordos video about the contestants stay in Inner Mongolia....20.38 Beauty with a Purpose is being announced on stage. The crowd is emotionally moved by the video of Kenya's charity project....20.35 Norway is on stage as the Top Model winner.....Puerto Rico comes on stage next as Beach Beauty winner.... 20.30 Beijing Video being played of all the activities the contestants participated while in Beijing...20.25 The fast tracks are being announced....Ireland - Talent and Northern Ireland - Sports have just been introduced...20.16 And now to a favourite part....'Dances of the World'...20.14 The judges are introduced....and receive a huge clap especially Denise Perrier Miss World 1953...20.10 All the contestants are on stage....flags are waving around the auditorium, the dancers are back on stage....Angela Chow is introduced and comes on in a Chinese silk embroidered dress...20.04 The contestants are being introduced on stage in evening wear...20.01 The Li Dancers start the show with a dazzling colourful dance...Big drums & sticks, a cloud of clapping to the beat as the 60th Miss World kicks off in Sanya style...20.00 The show has begun!!!!19.43 The girls have just been given their stage call.....many are waiting in the wings....the audience are taking their seats...19.35 We are LIVE at the Beauty Crown Theatre, waiting to bring you the fastest updates....25 minutes till the show begins!!!!!!Tonight, one young lady's life is going to change.....tonight we crown Miss World 2010. Keep watching for live updates direct from the Beauty Crown Theatre, Sanya, China.source: Missworld [endtext]