http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPmAR2Z8MRsendofvid[starttext]Ex-AKB48 member, Hoshino Michiru has reinvented her career as ’Michiru‘, a solo artist and songwriter.She’s already prepared her debut song, “I ♡YOU no Gomoji“, which will start distributing via Chakuuta on November 10th. The song will be included in a wedding song compilation album, “~LOVE&PEACH~ Kekkon no Uta“, scheduled to be available for the 24th. Indeed, “I ♡YOU no Gomoji” has already been used as the image song of a wedding company since May! Michiru joined AKB48 (Team A) in 2005 as the first generation member along with Maeda Atsuko, Takahashi Minami, and Itano Tomomi, but she expressed that she always wanted to compose songs by herself.She created a song in 2007 while she was still with the idol group, titled “Ganbare!” (AKB48’s producer Akimoto Ysushi added the lyrics). ”Ganbare!” was later used as a BGM for the weather segment on “Super news.” Michiru graduated from AKB48 in June 2007 to pursue her solo career.source: tokyohive [endtext]